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Imagine every day feeling more...

Organized and Effective. 

Confident in your vision, actions and decisions.

Energized and Engaged. 

Motivated by and excited about your leadership, life, and the people around you.

Connected and Well.

Grounded in your leadership confidence and committed to taking time for you.

Here's what I know to be true about being a woman in leadership...

Michelle wearing a green coat, sitting at a table with her hands up in the air.

Whether you own a business or are a leader in an organization, as a woman, you face some unique challenges. 

And, it is not uncommon to wake up in the morning with all the things that need to get done that day as the first thing on your mind. Picking up the phone or mentally running through the day's calendar helps to get a handle on what is coming your way, who you are meeting with, and what is still on your To-Do list. You have enough experience under your belt to know that feeling prepared for the day ahead is vital if you are going to try to stay on track with everything, and be there for everyone. 

But there is a lot to manage at work and in life, and feeling effective at the end of the day is not always the reality. As the leader, you can get caught up in the grind and the "scattered-ness" of trying to do it all to get the results you want, but sacrificing yourself - your time, energy, and loved ones - is no longer the way you want to show up in your life, or in your business or organization.  

Instead, the idea of being a more confident, grounded leader who has time and energy to focus on the things and people that matter is much more appealing.

What if the next stage of your leadership focused on something else?

(And then this happened...) 

Healthier Overall Well-Being

Control your stress levels, effectively manage uncertainty and daily challenges, and make time to flourish and spend on what matters most.

Deep Understanding of Your "Who" & "Why"

Be clear on who you are and want to be as a leader, and use your purpose as fuel for increased confidence, and to support and energize your personal and professional relationships and connections.

Shift Your Approach & Mindset

Get the stuff done you want to get done with an approach that works for you - without sacrificing yourself - AND still make the impact and get the results you want. This is a game-changer!

What clients are saying...

Before enrolling in this [leadership program], I was feeling overwhelmed with stress and found myself a bit out of balance. After the first few weeks of working with Michelle, I felt direction returning. I started to feel back on track with work-leadership, but...on a personal level, I felt my confidence grow and myself coming back online with my goals. This not only progressed my self-leadership style...it improved my overall well-being. 

- B. Bonney, Franchise Owner & Manager

Give yourself permission to Start With You™.

Why does this 10-week professional personal development program focus first on YOU in your leadership?

Because as a leader, you are the cornerstone of your business or organization, and by homing in on the WHO (you as a human being) and your WHY (the core reason that led you to do what you do) rather than the usual WHAT and HOW, you can create a stronger foundation on which to evolve your leadership.

Then, you are the best you can be for others because you are being the best you can be for YOU. Contrary to what typically happens in leadership, the To-Do list and all the measuring or assessing done in your role does not make you a better leader - but there are many human components that do. 

By joining the Start With You™ program, you make a commitment toward long-term support and guidance toward a personal leadership transformation that will give you a solid, unshakeable foundation that you, others, and your business or organization can thrive on. 

Through open discussion, honest reflection and feedback, coaching, and mentorship, you will be able to truly lean into and embrace the leader you want to be - unapologetically and on your own terms - so that you can live and lead sustainably, AND achieve your goals.

Register Now

Stop thinking you can get the results you want by sacrificing your time and energy.


  • Focus on WHO want you want to be as a leader to identify the actions you can take to increase your confidence 

  • Get clear on your WHY to fuel your motivation and inspiration, then share it with others to connect with and energize them too 

  • Manage stress effectively in times of uncertainty by communicating clearly and making your well-being a non-negotiable

  • Get what you want and need accomplished by using the approach and mindset that works best for you - AND get the results you want

  • Become the confident, grounded, go-to leader you know you can be

  • Register Now

    Hi, I'm Michelle. 

    Why me? Over the last 25 years, I have had multiple leadership roles in business and in education. While mostly successful, I have also failed and made mistakes that I am grateful for today because they expanded my growth and understanding of what it means to show up as a leader for myself and others - and WHO I want to be when I do. But it takes work to get there, and having someone who can relate - someone who has experienced the stress, burnout, and ups and downs of business and leadership - simplifies the journey and amplifies the transformation. As an educator, mentor, and Certified Coach, I've worked with hundreds of women toward making change in how they show up in their role, for themselves and others, and for their business, organization, or system. And, I would love to work with you.  

    Start With You™

    Long-term, lasting growth and change do not happen overnight. Not without putting in intentional time and energy. 

    But I also know you have a lot on the go. 

    That's why this 10-week, short-term support is designed:

    • 1. For FLEXIBILITY with your busy schedule in mind. 

      This program easily meets your needs with multiple time options available for you to book sessions at your convenience. 

    • 2. With a personalized, specific-to-you FOCUS at its core.

      Take advantage of working one-to-one with Michelle to get your needs met and see results sooner.

    • 3. To provide UNIQUE support for leadership development.

      Find your confidence and grounded-ness in WHO you are by focusing specifically on you as a human being and leader (the who and why), not only through the demonstration of the "hard skills" (the what and how) of leadership.

    Register Now

    What to expect during the program...

  • Weekly, live 60-90 minute sessions with 3DLife Inc. Director-Founder & Coach, Michelle Hurlburt. 

  • A weekly accountability check-in.

  • In-session time to reinforce discussion topics, reflect on work and life, and post-session reinforcement activities to promote growth and success

  • BONUS: Access to the 3DLife™ Learning Platform and Library, PLUS an optional three months free in the Start With You™ Membership group.

  • Register Now

    This program is ideally suited for...

    emerging and experienced women in business or organizational leadership who already have some time and knowledge under their belt, who know what leadership is and what it entails, and who are interested in approaching it differently.

    This means that your business is up and running, or you are currently in a (titled or untitled) leadership role in an organization or system.

    You are open to growth, and have an understanding that who you are makes a difference to how you show up in your business, organization, or system. 

    And, you are ready to go to the next stage of your leadership with a true desire to be a great leader, get results and make the impact you want to make - and be well while doing it.

    What clients are saying...

    I realized what was most important to me and what I needed to get back on track. We can all benefit from thinking about our day-to-day lives and how we are ‘actioning’ ourselves. Working through the program helped me hone in on and identify what I needed to work toward my goals.

    - Karen S., Consultant/Administrator

    Focus first on YOU to become the confident, grounded, go-to leader you know is within.

    The SWY 2023 Program Investment: $1500+HST*

    *Price per person. Book now - pay later. Payment plans available.

    *1:1 delivery option and price available. Send email inquiries to Michelle at [email protected]

    Imagine how it would feel to show up every day as the leader you want to be.


    Start With You™. 

    Register Now

    What clients are saying...

    Michelle helped me gain more clarity and awareness of my values in life and at work. As a result, I’m more decisive, committed to my chosen career path, and have greater joy in my life.

    - Carol A., School Psychologist

    Copyright 2021-2024 3DLife Inc. All rights reserved.